

Membership of the AAEU is limited. Membership is limited to 100 active members. After election as an active member and fulfilment of all obligations, the nomination is for life. At the age of 65, active membership is transformed in emeritus membership.

To become a member of the AAEU you need to be proposed by one of the existing members. Nomination of new members is restricted and exclusive. Candidate members must have a clear and impeccable academic urological profile. Candidate members are proposed to the Board and Membership & Nomination Committee through a written recommendation from active members, emeritus members, international members or honorary members.

If accepted by the Board and Membership Nomination Committee (MNC) the candidate will first be invited as a guest to the Annual Meeting of the AAEU. In this meeting, the guest candidate should demonstrate his academic qualities and profile by presenting a paper dealing with his original clinical and/or scientific work, and by participating in the scientific discussions following the presentations. Moreover, his social and personal qualities should be appropriate for the high-quality inter-individual interaction of the association.

Once having successfully attended as a guest, the candidate is in principle a candidate member commencing as of the following meeting. However, participation as a guest does in no way guarantee nomination as a member. Active membership is after all limited to 100 members. On an average, 5 guests per meeting are annually selected and nominated as AAEU member. No more than 10 European guests and 3 non-European international guests can be invited per meeting. If the number of proposed guests exceeds the maximum number, the MC will make a selection.

At the Annual EAU Congress (March/April) the AAEU Board and the Membership & Nomination Committee select within the former guests the candidates for active membership and propose their candidatures to all voting members. Approval of two-thirds of the voting members present at the General Assembly will promote candidate members to active membership. Candidate members cannot be present at the Annual Meeting where their candidature for active membership will be proposed, discussed and approved.

The AAEU Secretary must receive all applications for guest and active membership before March 1st of the year of the Annual Meeting.